College of Science - Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam

About College of Science
The College of Science, Dr B. R. Ambedkar University was formed from the Academic Year 2018-19 after separating Science Departments from University College. The location of the college is in the New Academic block which is proposed to be named as Dr A P J Abdul Kalam Science Building. As of today the college has 6 Science Departments which are Biotechnology, Mathematics, GeoScience, Organic Chemistry, Computer Science, and Physics with a total intake of 200 PG students. Prof. P. Sujatha from the Department of Biotechnology is the founding Principal of the Science College. The teaching staff of the college consists of 4 regular teachers and 21 Contract teachers with a Teacher, Student ratio of 1:16. The teachers are supported by 6 clerical staff, 4 lab assistants, 1 computer operator and 5 office subordinates. The College has a separate library within the College Building. An exclusive skill Development Center was established in the Science College in collaboration with APSSDC, Amaravati to train students in life skills and provide placement assistance.
The College offers 9 M.Sc Courses – M.Sc Biotechnology with an intake of 30, M.Sc Microbiology with an intake of 20, M.Sc Organic Chemistry with an intake of 30, M.Sc Analytical Chemistry with an intake of 20, M.Sc Mathematics with an intake of 40, MCA with an intake of 30, M.Sc Geology with an intake of 15, M.Sc Geophysics with an intake of 15 and M.Sc Physics with an intake of 40. The admissions into these Departments are through common Dr.BRAUSKLMCET conducted annually by the Directorate of Admissions. Also the Department of Biotechnology offers PhD programme as well.
The faculty of the Science college undertake research in various areas of study like Bioactive compounds, Environmental Biotechnology, Genetic Diversity, Solid waste management, Synthesis of Biologically active Heterocyclic compounds, Optodes, Solid state Physics, Mineralogy, Micropaleontology, Remote sensing, Electromagnetism, Mathematical Modeling, Fazzy set theory, lattice theory, Applications of Fixed point theory.
Students from the Department of Biotechnology and Organic Chemistry are employed in reputed pharma companies like Reddy’s labs, Aurabindo Pharma, Gland Pharma, Matrix labs, Laurus, Pfizer, and Biotech companies like Biocon, Bharat Biotech, Virchow Biotech, Indian Immunologicals Ltd., and FMGS companies and Marine food export companies. Geology and Geophysics students are employed in companies like Oil Field India, Cyretron, Geologing, AP mines and Geology, Trimax, State ground water board
Science Departments actively participate in MHRD Flagship programme like Unnat Bharat Abhiyan in 9 Villages in the District of Srikakulam and Grama Darshini programme of Government of Andhra Pradesh. In addition all the students of Science College do outreach extension activity on Every Saturday in 20 adopted villages of the University. Science Departments actively participate in MHRD Flagship programme like Unnat Bharat Abhiyan in 9 Villages in the District of Srikakulam and Grama Darshini programme of Government of Andhra Pradesh. In addition all the students of Science College do outreach extension activity on Every Saturday in 20 adopted villages of the University.