College of Engineering - Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam

About College of Engineering
College of Engineering, Dr.B.R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam the premier promoter of quality education in Srikakulam district was established on 2nd June 2018 and presently have 3 Branches with 4 Departments i.e., HSS, E.C.E, C.S.E, MECH., with an intake of 60 students per branch and 6 students per branch through lateral entry in UG course. PG MCA course has been involved from the AY 2020-21.Presently in Academic year 2022-23 have been introduced two new courses i.e E.E.E. Civil Engineering. The college has been established with a vision and mission to create a platform for holistic growth and success to students at all levels. It has 14 teaching and 11 Non-Teaching staff members to cater to the needs of the poorest of the poor students from backward region of the College of Engineering, Dr.B.R. Ambedkar University is only the Govt. Engineering College in Srikakulam District. In every stream, it has become a spring-board for success through its powered vision, constant innovation and professional excellence. The present back up the college has made progress in the following aspects.
Workshops/Symposiums/ Academic Activates Conducted:
- Keeping in view the significance, the college organized engineers day on September 15th 2018 wherein the students exhibited 13 models related to the latest technologies in Science and engineering.
- The College of Engineering organized many social activities and also save space for government flagship programmes such as plantation, Swachabharat, Clean & Green etc
- The college has arranged many interactive sessions and guest lectures with eminent Academicians like Prof. Swamy K.B., technocrats like MrsM.S.Jyothi from Lincoln University, Malaysia & Krishna SastryPendyala, Prof SamratMukhopadhyay from IIT Delhi, with all the students.
- The College of Engineering was organized A Workshop on DISASTER MANAGEMENT & FIRST AID TRAINING PROGRAMME in collaboration with Indian Red Cross Society, Srikakulam on 28-30th March 2019.
- An International symposium on multidisciplinary trends & technology has been organized for the first time with the brand name of SAVISKAR-2K19, A RAY OF TALENT. On 1st& 2nd April, 2019 Dr. Swamy KB from Lincoln University, Malaysia, Raja. L. Kanchibotla from HYD, S. Raghavulu, Energy Engineer from Visakhapatnam and Mr. Revanth from Hyderabad acted as resource persons. In this Programme, many events have been conducted like Paper Presentations, Poster Presentations, Games and Sports, Cultural etc.
- A Workshop on Block Chain Technology has been organized on 2nd& 3rd April, 2019, MrRevanth, Block Chain Technology certified trainer acted as Resource Person.
Teaching Staff Awards & Rewards
- Dr. N.ArunaKumari, Asst. Principal (I/c.) has received, IARDO excellence award as young scientist in October 2018, she had published a book entitled Environmental Studies by Paramount Publications.
- Sri M. Rama Rao, Dept. of HSS published a book entitled the hand book of principles & techniques in English language teaching, ISBN978-93-88125-42-0
- One of our faculty members A.KalyanaGowthami acted as the jury member for state level science exhibition held in VSKP on 30 & 31st 2018.
- The college of Engineering bagged 8 International Journal Papers, 12 National and International seminars, 3 workshops for the academic year of 2018-19.
Non-Teaching Staff Awards
- T.V. Ramana - Best Employee Award
- D.V. Ramana - Best Employee Award
- V. SreeRamulu Naidu - Best Employee Award
- V. Sireesha - Best Employee Award
- K. Mahesh - Best Employee Award
- R. Krishna Rao - Best Employee Award
Student Awards
- The College of Engineering with the help of physical education and Yoga Departments is promoting the students for various inter university competitions. Our students Mr.Yuvaraj, Mr.Rajesh from E.C.E, Mr.Prathushkumar from C.S.E., Mr. Chandrashekar Mechanical Engineering, participated in A.P CM CUP YOGA COMPETITIONS held on 27th & 28th Jan, 2019 and Akhil from Mechanical Engineering participated in South Zone Cricket Tournament for Men 2018-2019 at Mysore.
- College of Engineering students exhibited 4 models in National science day organized by college of science Dr.B.R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam and one of them, namely SMART STREET LIGHTS model was awarded best model in the UG category.