College of Arts, Commerce, Law & Education

About College of Arts, Commerce, Law & Education
The College of Arts, Commerce Law & Education, Dr B. R. Ambedkar University was formed from the Academic Year 2018-19 after separating Arts, Commerce Law & Education Departments from University College. The location of the college is in the APP Bhavan, Old& New Library Blocks and Estern Block. As of today the college has in Arts Rural Development, Social Work, MLISc, Economics, MJMC, Telugu, English in Education M.Ed, B.Ed(MR) in Law BL, ML and in Commerce, Commerce and MBA, Yoga with a total intake of 510 PG students. Prof. T.Kama Raju from the Department of Commerce and Management is the Principal of the Science College. The teaching staff of the college consists of 6 regular teachers and 48 Contract teachers with a Teacher, Student ratio of 1:11. The teachers are supported by 6 clerical staff, 4 lab assistants, 1 computer operator and 5 office subordinates. The College has a central library within the College Building. An exclusive skill Development Center was established in the Science College in collaboration with APSSDC, Amaravati to train students in life skills and provide placement assistance.
The College offers 11 M.A Courses – M.A Rural Development with an intake of 40, M.A Economics with an intake of 40, M.A Social Work with an intake of 40, MLISc with an intake of 40, M.A. Journalism and Mass Communication with an intake of 40, M.A Telugu MCA with an intake of 40, M.A English with an intake of 40, M.A. Education with an intake of 40, Commerce with an intake of 40, MBA with intake 40, Master of LAW with intake 40 and two UG Courses BL with intake 80 and B.Ed(MR) with intake 30 . The admissions into these Departments are through common Dr.BRAUSKLMCET conducted annually by the Directorate of Admissions. Also the Department of Commerce and Management, Economies and Social work offers PhD programme as well.